Two more chicks hatched today, with one egg still remaining. If it doesn't hatch tomorrow, it likely won't be able to keep up with the growth pace of the other chicks.
Emolinnuilla alkaa olla kiirettä ja lentoliikenne tulee lähipäivinä vain lisääntymään. Porttilaskuri näyttää nyt melko hyvin oikein kasvattamalla laskurin lukemaa jokaisesta tulosta ja poistumisesta yhdellä. Jos lintu jää aukolle koputtelemaan tai muuten vaan katselemaan maisemia, tulee yhdestä tulosta tai lähdöstä edelleen enemmän kuin yksi numero lisää laskuriin. Kovin paljon näitä ei nyt näytä kuitenkaan tapahtuvan, joten voimme luottaa laskurin lukemaan, kun siitä vähennetään n. 5%. Tänään illalla laskuri näytti 431, joten n. 400 kertaa on aukosta kuljettu. Koska yksi käynti lisää laskurin lukemaa kahdella, on ruokintakäyntejä ollut n. 200.
The parent birds are starting to get busy, and air traffic will only increase in the coming days. The gate counter now shows a fairly accurate count, increasing by one for each entry and exit. If a bird stops at the opening to peck or just to enjoy the view, one entry or exit still adds more than one number to the counter. However, this doesn't seem to happen often, so we can trust the counter's reading after subtracting about 5%. This evening, the counter showed 431, so there have been approximately 400 passes through the opening. Since each visit increases the counter by two, there have been around 200 feeding visits.
The parent birds are starting to get busy, and air traffic will only increase in the coming days. The gate counter now shows a fairly accurate count, increasing by one for each entry and exit. If a bird stops at the opening to peck or just to enjoy the view, one entry or exit still adds more than one number to the counter. However, this doesn't seem to happen often, so we can trust the counter's reading after subtracting about 5%. This evening, the counter showed 431, so there have been approximately 400 passes through the opening. Since each visit increases the counter by two, there have been around 200 feeding visits.
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